Luanmorn Settlement in Theras | World Anvil


Luanmorn is a small village in the barony of Lanlisle Waters. Located in the depth of a bog, Luanmorn always struggled to stay afloat, sometimes literally.


The Grausur Plague

The Grausur Plague was the reason for the first decades-long time Luanmorn was uninhabited, as it claimed the lives of the entire population. Although the exact year of their demise is unknown, the village was discovered abandoned in 891, leading bureaucrats to mark that year as the official date of abandonment. This period of abandonment lasted until 943.

The Flood of 1019

In 1019, a perticularly rainy winter caused the water levels to rise dramatically. Few days after the first structure began setting in the damp soil water erupted from the ground, quickly rising to as high as 1.5m.

The Witch of Lanlisle Waters

In 881-891, 943-964, 985-1006, and 1049-1050, a foul entity haunted the village residents. Known as Mad Celesi Toddlersmother, The Witch of Lanlisle Waters or The Banshee of Lanlisle Waters, she killed virtually every newborn baby, sent rot to crops, killed the livestock, and summoned vile swarms of biting gnats and flies. Those always started with rotted berries, dead local fauna, and growing populations of insects.   In 1047 Rodoald ab Owain was given the barony for his service to Peraserasia (and by marrying the Diarchess's sister), vowing to defend the barony and it's denizens, which he deemed to be diamonds in the rough. When the witch's resumed haunting became obvious in 1050, he issued a challenge for adventurers - get rid of the banshee. Out of 43 applicants, four were chosen, following three days of competing against other applicants in their respective fields of expertise; these four travelled to the village, escorted by Rodoald, and began investigating.   Searching the village's records, the group found a mention of a young woman called Celesi Hanes that was put on trial for killing her baby. In the record, she was mentioned as the "Toddlersmother"; with the writing convention during that period, there was no spacing between certain words, leading the party's cleric to correctly deduce she was the toddler's mother.   Excavating a recently dug grave, where a newborn was buried, the party discovered the cadaver to be perfectly preserved; when the paladin doused it with holy water, it began to quickly decompose, reaching the proper state of decay expected of a corpse buried in such conditions after the period of time passed since its burial.
Founding Date
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Ruling/Owning Rank
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