Awyri'rddaear Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil


Awyri'rddaear is a massive sacred tree in Grausur within the forest of Brigrhwyster in the Diarchy of Peraserasia. Believed to be a manifestation of Imon's presence in the material plane, it holds cultural importance for the Prasri people who seek Imon's guidance and protection.  
As ancient as Imon himself, the tree's trunk is so wide that it would take dozens of people standing with their arms outstretched to encircle it. Its branches are spread out wide, though without disturbing the growth of the surrounding trees. The tree's canopy is only ever partially visible, and attempting to observe it always fails, either due to the clouds that surround it by night or due to the sun's radiance by day; in Prasri legends, this phenomenon is attributed to the tree ending in Arcadia.

Localized Phenomena

Te tree is home to a host of benevolent nature spirits and fey who are tasked with watching over and protecting those who come to the tree seeking aid. Its roots seep a magical substance (not to be confused with the drug known as Awyri'rddaear Sap) that imbues the nearby pools with powerful restorative magic, rumored to alleviate curses and cure diseases.


Prior to the rediscovery of Rakion, the tree was thought to be a mere legend. However, as people from Rakion heard of the continet of Epeoris and began traveling to it, the tree's existence was confirmed, to the surprise of many scholars and theologans.


Many followers of Imon make pilgrimages to Awyri'rddaear to pray and make offerings to the tree, hoping to receive its blessings and guidance. It is considered a sacred and holy place, and is treated with the utmost respect and reverence by those who visit it. This respect extends to other cultures, with even the zealous Andorian Church acknowledging its sanctity, though it still denies Imon's divinity.   The path to the tree itself is a secret, as even though it can be seen from afar, the forest's foliage and treetops grow ever thicker as one gets closer, and no light reaches the forest floor miles from it. One must seek the aid of a druid to ensure not only they reach the end of their journey, but do so safely. Though the druids do not demand payment, it is customary to donate to their grove, most commonly food. However, magic items (specifically weapons) and fertilizers (such as mulch or manure) are also gladly accepted.
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Natural Wonder
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