Order of Vigilant Honor Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Order of Vigilant Honor

Order of Vigilant Honor is an order of Inquisitors inside the Order Chalice, in charge for investigating allegations of corruption of members of The Silver Chalice.


The Knighthood is organized into a hierarchical structure that reflects the different ranks and roles within the order:  
  1. Grand Master
    The Grand Master, is usually a member from the Order of the Platinum Lion and the ultimate authority and leader of the Order. He is often the most skilled and experienced knight within the order, responsible for making crucial decisions and setting the order's overarching goals and strategies.
  2. High Council
    Beneath the Grand Master is the High Council, composed of the highest-ranking knights or senior members. The High Council assists the Grand Master in making important decisions, shaping the order's policies, and overseeing various branches and chapters. The High Council usually holds a represtative of each of the Narsilian Civil War, except the Giant Pantheon.
  3. Chapter Masters
    The Knighthood is typically divided into chapters, each headed by a Chapter Master. Chapter Masters are responsible for the administration and operations of their respective chapters in each of the certain Duchies. They report to the High Council and implement the order's directives at the local level.
  4. Knights:
    The Knights form the core of the Knighthood - Each 5 Knights usually are incharge of a city while 2 knights are in charge of a large town.
  5. Squires
    The Order doesn't accept people who don't aspire to be knights, though they may employ 'outside councilors'/
  6. Support Staff
    Beyond the knights themselves, there are support staff who play critical roles in the order's functioning, which usually include healers, blacksmiths, scribes, and other specialists who contribute to the order's well-being.
  7. Heralds Heralds are responsible for conveying messages and information within the Knighthood and Outside of it. They ensure that important announcements and directives reach all members in a timely manner since they are usually trained in mind blocking techniques against various scryings and interrogations.


Tenets of the Vigiliant Honor
  • Unyielding Integrity: Members of the Order must embody unimpeachable moral character and remain incorruptible, regardless of temptations.
  • Seeking Truth: The pursuit of truth is paramount; knights must relentlessly investigate allegations without bias.
  • Swift Justice: Once guilt is established, the Order ensures justice is meted out swiftly and fairly.
  • Protection of the Innocent: The Order is equally committed to protecting the falsely accused as it is to prosecuting the guilty.

Public Agenda

While they often rerfers to themselves as internal Investigations bureau, they often establish themsleves as exorcist and those who investigate also the simple folk for various demon, devil, Mezzofiend cults.
Founding Date
489 AB
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities


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