Silver Robes of the Circlet Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Silver Robes of the Circlet

The Silver Robes of the Circlet are an order of both the wizards and clerics of the Kingdom of Arasil. They are set on for two different tasks, one is supporting the military and the second is helping the people in whatever capacity they may as arcane or divine capabale casters.   Those who belong to this order are required to give discount for services whenever asked for by other members of The Silver Chalice and must operate and give aid to missions bestowed upon them by members of Seekers of the Golden Dragon, Robes of the Platinum Conclave, or the Knightly orders of the The Silver Chalice


In order to become a member of this order, all that want, can become one. Recieving license to operate magic within the kingdom of Arasil. This order is closely watching every magical activity in the kingdom in order to monitor threat.


The First order of the Circlet, was exclusively a monastic order, until in the year 279 AB and during the founding of the order of the Seekers of the Golden Dragon, it also admitted priests and clerics as not all of them had become knights, nor wanted.   By the year 300 AB, and by the advice of the The Ironscale Conclave, the dragons influenced the The Silver Chalice and the High Justice King then to include the Arcane casters and have them work together with the knights, who were very much watchful and suspecting of the arcane. A belief that the Arasilian weren't anymore afraid of magic and even strengthened by it.
Founding Date
268 AB
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
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