Seekers of the Golden Dragon Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Seekers of the Golden Dragon

The Seekers of the Golden dragons are the higher order of both the wizards and clerics of the Kingdom of Arasil. They are the one who serve as the cultural leaders and to seek knowledge. They have two tasks as the order, one is to promote the knowledge and cooperation with the dwarves of Khazad-Ram, the Gnomes, the elves of Woodrealm and Amon-Thal.   Their education is usually completed in Sophia-Hold, where their studies are somewhat sponsored.


In order to become part of this order, one first must be a member of Silver Robes of the Circlet. It is looked upon favorably if the Seekers are taking the Oath of Edrahil. In order to become one, first one must dominstrate that he truly has the best intentions of all beings in his heart and the good of Arasil.   Even though they are not obliged to take any vows, there is still a test administered by a cleric, observed by the Seekers of the Golden Dragon, in order to see that they are truly good person.


This ordered was created in order to receive many priests that are not militaristic in their nature and have other people that are not part of the the churches of Tamara, Lendys or Bahamut.
Founding Date
279 AB
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities


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