
A gas giant planet that lies in the Aldis System.   Alaxlanar is a large, mostly hydrogen gas giant that features several asteroid rings. As the planet is owned by the Xalarin Council, they exploit the resources found inside the rings. More importantly, however, several planet sized moons orbit Alaxlanar. These have been mined historically many times, especially after they were terraformed. Each now houses a population well into the billions, and some, trillions.   Alaxlanar is therefore a planet of high importance to the XC. It is defended with a large number of defence platform stations as well as military starships that will not hesitate to fire at any alien ship nearby. The XC is highly xenophobic. They exploit the gas giant itself as well. The XC has set up a very large number of large stations which collect hydrogen from the gas giant, which is then fused for energy. These are often used to create the extremely powerful starship fuel used by the XC so commonly.   The gas they collect is also very hot. This is because the planet orbits close to its parent star, and much of the radiation is absorbed by the hydrogen gas. Several experiments have also been done within the lower layers of the gas giant, which features mostly metallic hydrogen due to the extreme density. It is also classified as a brown dwarf because it is very large, but never became large enough to sustain fusion. Its sheer heat also contributed to its fusion capability.
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