Aldis System

Star system located in the Aurina Galaxy.   The Aldis system is entirely occupied by the Xalarin Council and contains the Xalarin homeworld. The Aldis star itself is a bright, white class F star. This type of star emits a large amount of light, much of this is captured by the XC for energy and used primarily for interstellar travel.   The Xalarin homeworld is the 4th planet from the star, with a surprisingly short orbital radius for a habitable world. It is a very hot world, but still habitable by Xalarins only due to its high surface temperatures. Other worlds have been terraformed and colonised. For example, the 3rd planet is a gas giant with several terraformed moons orbiting it, that are about the same size as their homeworld.   The system also has a star lifter orbiting the star. This is surprisingly good for the star as waste matter is lifted and used by the XC. The XC has also defended the system incredibly well. Of course, their homeworld has immense cultural significance to the XC, so any and all attempts by aliens to destroy it must be destroyed. They have placed a large number of defence platform stations in many orbits. A lot of the langrange points are used by these stations, allowing the XC to gain full sensor coverage of all corners of the system at all times. These are assisted with jammers such as inhibitors.
Star System
Location under
Owning Organization


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