Xanal POW Camp

A POW camp used by the Xalarin Council, located in the Aldis System.   The Xanal camp was used to study the biology of various alien species who were captured in various wars against or by the XC. The prisoners were studied closely - as the XC fought to destroy them and cause all other races to become extinct, they also saw it necessary to archive as much about them as possible, to further their own understanding of the universe and to simply inform those curious few about them.   At the beginning of the XC-HF war, the camp saw a large increase in species diversity. This was largely due to the Hyperion Federation being comprised of so many different species. Due to this, every prisoner was constantly being studied by XC xenobiologists. Even their sleep patterns were studied. A lot of prisoners then spent a lot of time unconscious due to use of gases which caused unconsciousness, to make it easier to perform experiments on them. This ended in some prisoners dying due to the vastly different chemical makeup of different alien races. Those species were simply studied normally until alternatives were found.   The prisoner camp was expanded during that war, and is located in a major city in XC territory. The structure now spans several killometres, making it one of the largest structures on the planet, and is walled off entirely to prevent escape. Guards are positioned on the top of the wall at all times, but despite this, the HF people did occasionally manage to cause jail breaks. This was often done using the phelke STP ability on high ranking XC individuals when given the chance. They never managed to destroy the prison though (as it was far too large, and all its weak points are well guarded).   Due to the XC use of a very advanced and strong magnetic monopole based armour material, this has caused their society to have a large demand for magnetic monopoles. Due to this, they have recycled some from Suons killed here. As suons are comprised mainly of magnetic monopoles, and cannot eat food from any other race, it has made their survival in the prison exceptionally difficult. Many die from starvation, so xenobiologists work quickly to study suon physiology. They are still unsure how their circulatory organ works as they have not discovered the Taidakic Field.
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