Eta Orjans II

A planet in the Eta Orjans System.   This is the 2nd planet from the black hole that it orbits, but it is perhaps best known for the ash-covered lands. This has formed due to the world becoming extremely hot during the supernova of its parent star, ionizing the atmosphere and scorching the entire worldwide ground to several ten thousand degrees C. Now, however, millions of years later, it has supercooled into the extremely dark ball of ash that is seen now.   Any small disturbance on the ground can send a volume of this ash into the air, which can damage most equipment if it enters even the smallest of gaps. It will even find a way even in incredibly well-IP rated gear. Some items that have functioned perfectly fine underwater are damaged. The Hyperion Federation can still bring equipment to this world though, but not without checking it thoroughly. Using Replicator nanobots, they can repair any atom-thick crevices that may be present, totally reinforcing their gear with a several-mm thick layer of perfectly arranged armour. This requires a lot of energy to do, but it can be done.   However, this can also make the world incredibly difficult to attack. Due to this, the HF has constructed bases near the core (immunity to orbital bombardment). It also serves as a magnetic monopole mine as this extremely rare resource has formed under the extremely exotic conditions of the supernova event. These monopoles have various practical applications in some high end equipment as well as a significant scientific value. The HF can synthesize them, but it is much easier to mine them. Many of these labs are built on the planet, but most monopoles are teleported off world as it is easier to construct such labs in orbit rather than on world. Also, experiments performed also get to avoid interference from the planets magnetosphere.
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