Monopole Cannon

a very advanced type of weapon developed in the Eta Orjans System by the Hyperion Federation. This article is about a space station with the first (and only) monopole cannon in existance. It orbits Eta Orjans II.   This is a large station designed for weapons research, but the HF has created one of the most powerful weapons for its size in existence excluding archaeotech. It is extremely expensive to fire however, as it uses magnetic monopoles as one component of its ammunition - an extremely rare form of exotic matter that is extremely expensive to fabricate artificially. This has largely limited its use in the field, but has been test fired a number of times, with potentially devastating firepower. The weapon functions by creating an extremely powerful magnetic field through a significant coil, resembling a form of coilgun.   Overall, its construction is much simpler than a coilgun however, as the projectile is not dipolar and not attracted at all to the opposite pole of the magnetic field. This produces an immense Lorentz force, and the only measure that needs be taken is to shut down the coil when the round reaches the end of the coil to prevent reattraction into the magnetic field. The sheer simplicity of this weapon is what allows them to place extremely massive voltages across the superconducting coil. It is so powerful that the station staff have to evacuate before it fires as the intense EM fields begin to interfere with their brains. Due to a similar effect, the station must also undergo a full shutdown and re-energize sequence to prevent the EMP from destroying every computer. This would easily allow the rounds to achieve relativistic velocities.
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