Eta Orjans III

A planet in the Eta Orjans System.   This planet, like all the others in the system, has naturally formed a number of magnetic monopoles. These have formed under the exotic conditions of the parent star undergoing supernova, ionizing the amosphere. This planet, however, is quite unlike the others in a different way. Most of the north monopoles have formed around the equator and core, whereas the south monopoles formed primarily at the planets poles. This has created a force strong enough to split the planet in half, but both halves of the planet are kept in an equilibrium state and tethered to each other due to gravity.   This extremely unique property of the planet has caused the HSA to declare all areas below extremely high orbit of this planet as a single, massive exclusion zone. They dont want even the slightest interference with gravity here, preferring to study it from orbit. No one has ever been to the surface, but they could theoretically walk to the core through this massive split. The HF closely monitors even extremely small details and have even dedicated entire sectors of some Matrioshka Brains to processing every recorded geological event to extremely high degrees of precision, and have even managed to turn these into entire theories that organics can understand. As their understanding of this planet improves, they may soon lift the exclusion zone restrictions as they recognize this planet as stable enough to take it. This is highly likely to noticeably advance HF science, especially since this planet is so highly rich in monopoles.   Note: This is the 1000th published article in the THF universe!
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