Kevra II a

Planet in the Kevra System. Home planet of the Traxilax race.   Kevra II a has been the seat of Alti Dominion power for hundreds of years. The house of the emperor is always located here. It is a world primarily covered in ocean, with conditions almost perfect for traxilax life, but might be difficult for many other species to survive on. The planet is well known to feature a lot of iron ore in its crust - materials which the traxilax extracted without any doubt. Now home to hundreds of billions of lives, much of the underwater climate is occupied by cities and factories. These have released enough pollutants to noticeably change the atmospheric compositon but environmentalist efforts as well as advances in 'clean' technologies meant that they eventually stopped polluting their only planet at the time.   Despite this positive outcome, much of traxilax (and later Alti) society is plagued with slave labor. Some of the largest structures were built entirely by slaves - both of their own species and of others they have conquered - meaning the Alti is not very positively looked at by other cultures. They have even managed to capture some people from Hyperion Federation society, who often make attempts to recapture them and bring them freedom.   Indeed, they would go on to conquer Kevra II b, the 'sister planet' of the Kevra II binary system where both planets orbit each other while also orbiting the star Kevra simultaneously. Both worlds acted as the other's moon, having impacts on tides and reflecting light allowing some light to be seen at night sometimes. They both have a larger impact on each other than a 'true' moon.
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