Marakas II

A habitable planet in the Marakas System.   Marakas II is a primarily saelian planet, as that species has inhabited the planet first. After it was invaded by the United Nations of Tebburus during the Suon - Saelian war, it has obtained a small suon population as well, and few of the saelian citizens were killed. However, it became apparent that the suons would be making more extensive efforts to improve the citizens' lives than the megacorporations of the Saelian Coalition, so several years after the war resistance began to decline significantly. Due to its very short orbital radius, this planets years are much shorter.   The parent star is a class M star, so it is still within the habitable radius. However, life here is often seen as suboptimal because the star produces primarily red light so that is the colour the surface appears during day. As such, the rich from the Saelian Coalition megacorporation times would very rarely visit the world, so living here became seen as lightly derogatory, making it a very inexpensive planet to live on. The only reason the rich cared about the inhabitants here during the war is because these people were useful for labor, sometimes even slave labor. It would be the latter of these that would contribute heavily to the welcoming of suon forces much later.
Location under
Owning Organization


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