Marakas System

Star system that is located about 5.1 ly from the Tiact System.   Though it was initially owned entirely by the Saelian Coalition, following the Tebburus Unification War, the system saw a large rebellion. They saw the damage the unification war was doing to the Saelians, and the inhabitants of this system would have been next in line for conscription, until the rebellion. Because the star is only class M, this system is physically much smaller than the Tiact system.   Therefore, this entire star system could fit within the orbit of Vannus. This meant that it would take much less time to travel between planets of the system because distances were much shorter. Less Δv would be needed to travel between planets as well and to achieve escape velocity. This made the star system quite useful especially for logistical purposes. The various mines and gas giant collectors have been made easy to access by logistical starships. This has also allowed any military starships to disengage and repair more often, allowing the saelians to put up a more significant fight in this system (Suon starships had self-repair abilities). This was a double edged sword though, as it also made it prone to attack by the time the suon-saelian war saw the suons conquer their own home system. In fact, the United Nations of Tebburus would later invade and conquer this star system.
Star System
Location under
Owning Organization


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