Marakas VI

Ice giant planet located in the Marakas System.   Marakas VI has a retrograde orbit relative to all the other planets in the star system. It is also highly tilted, with the angle between the poles and orbit being roughly 40 degrees when at its minimum. The planet has a significant asteroid ring. The highest and lowest altitudes of this ring is greater than the diameter of the planet itself. This is where the Hyperion Federation gets most materials from this planet from, however they also have gas collection stations orbiting it to harvest the heavier elements up to oxygen, not seen in gas giants.   Furthermore, this planet is the furthest from the star in its system. Despite this, it's orbital radius is shorter than that of Haxis, making this entire star system miniature compared to many others such as the Tiact System. The huge asteroid belt of the planet made it very hard to attack during the Suon - Saelian war.    The United Nations of Tebburus has placed a number of stations at extremely high orbits to observe the belt from above and below it allowing them to predict ambushes better and launch artillery. This did lead to one incident where an officer concluded one saelian space station was used for military purposes whereas the actual purpose was a civilian habitat station. This happened due to incomplete data. This officer requested an artillery bombardment against the station that was not approved.
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