Anyon of the Eburi


Anyon, son of Camran, of the Erubi Tribe is the owner and proprietor of the Hard Mountain House Inn in the City of Malamor. Anyon is a 38 -year-old Thallian who travelled to Aria with his uncle 12 years ago. His uncle coordinates trade and travel between the Kingdom of Aria and the Thall Islands. Anyon has incorporated his culture's love of martial contests and hand-to-hand challenges of strength into the operation of a very busy inn and tavern, and has gained a literal fortune because of it.   Anyon has a particularly good relationship with many Dwarven traders from Gorgomoth, especially the Clan Blackbeard from Thorahl. He has regular patrons that frequent the Inn from Thorahl who specifically come because of the melees, although they seem to enjoy the food and drink as well. He has worked hard to ensure that the emenities of the Inn favor the Dwarves, ensuring their continued patronage.   He serves food, drink and entertainment that is familiar and popular with the Dwarves, but finds a busy business in Halfling and Human guests, as well.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Incredibly strong and as quick as lightning.

Facial Features

A burly face with long, light brown hair pulled back into a topknot (Thallian-style).  His beard is just starting to go gray at the chin, some of which is due to his repeatedly getting punched there during his frequent bouts.

Identifying Characteristics

Heavily tatooed arms, chest and back displaying many brightly colored images from Thallian mythology.

Physical quirks

Has a habit of flexing his fingers and rhythmically cracking his knuckles without touching his hands together, usually right before he throws a brawl-ending punch.

Apparel & Accessories

Prefers sleeveless woolen tunics, in the style of Thallmar.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Anyon is the fourth son of a tribal leader of the Erubi people, who live in the Cambian Kingdom at the southern tip of the island of Thallmar.  He travelled to Malamor with his uncle, a trader and merchant, twelve years earlier.  Always a strong and athletic man, Anyon took to making wagers and contests of wrestling, fighting, duelling and feats of strength at some of the inns that his uncle was doing business in.  Thallians have a cultural proclivity for martial contests, and his skills quickly led him to much success.   Eight years ago, in a massive and now legendary contest between himself and five trained soldiers of the King's Guards, Anyon won so much money he was able to buy the inn the contest was being held at outright with the gold he won.  Thus was born the Hard Mountain House Inn.

Accomplishments & Achievements

A legendary fighter, brawler and wrestler amongst the toughest sort of people in the City of Malamor.

Intellectual Characteristics

Not only is Anyon amazingly strong and an adept fighter, he is an incredibly savy businessman (something he has in common with is uncle, it seems).  Anyon makes a huge amount of gold and silver from the Inn and the melees that he schedules and promotes in the Inn's court as often as he can.

Wealth & Financial state

Rapidly becoming one of the wealthiest inn owners in the city, and the crowds his melees draw in the small courtyard of the Inn draw much attention from the City Watch.
Current Residence
Known Languages
Arian, Fangorian, Dwarvish and (of course) Thallian.  He also has a working understanding of Colian.
Ruled Locations