Caiden Dalnyall

Ryuri Dalnyall, Lord Caiden Dalnyall (a.k.a. the Mighty)

Caiden Dalnyall was the Ryuri Dalnyall and the grandfather of the current Ryuri, Olan Dalnyall. He is a legend amongst the Dalnyall people for his heroic sacrifices in fighting a troop of Mountain Giants that had ravaged the homeland of his wife, Greta. The campaign to defeat the giants cost him his life, and the life of his oldest son, Ronan Dalnyall. His younger son, Nolan Dalnyall became Ryuri upon his death.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

During the winter of 177 AF, Caiden received word that the homeland of his wife, Greta, was being ravaged by a group of Mountain Giants.  Greta was born and raised in Craigshome, the seat of the Bencraig Clan.  Caiden dearly loved his beautiful wife and had grown quite fond of her family.  Ties between the two Clans were strong, and Caiden did not hesitate to mobilize his House Guards and a company of mounted knights and rush to the aid of the Bencraig city.   After a week of fast march, the Dalnyall company reached the city of Craighome.  The Giants were still roaming the countryside roughly seven miles to the west of the city's walls and had killed more than 35 Colian farmers and more than 60 Bencraig warriors.  Of the four Giants that had begun to foray into Bencraig territory, only one had been killed and that one was brought down at the cost of 11 armed and experienced men.   Caiden left the next dawn to confront the monsters.  He took 20 of his most expereinced House Guards with him to try and draw the Giants into an area where they could be surrounded by the Dalnyall men and left his son, Ronan, in command of the mounted company of knights.  Caiden's plan was working flawlessly as he easily drew the three massive creatures into a hollow between two steep and rocky hills that would offer the Dalnyall cover and elevation to attack the Giants.  Then, just as he was turning his force to push the Giants the last few hundred yards into the ambush site, his horse lost its footing on loose stone and fell, spilling its rider right at the feet of two of the hulking beasts.  Both rider and horse were beaten to death with giant fists and feet.   Ronan screamed his father's name as he raced his horse towards the body of his Ryuri.  The largest of the Giants, a massive male that reortedly stood 24' tall and was nearly 9 feet across the shoulders, hurled Caiden's dead horse at the Rison.  Ronan and his horse were both crushed by the impact, and the two remaining Giants stomped their bodies into the stony soil.   To the credit of the Dalnyall men still looking on the dead Ryuri and his son, they did not hesitate a bit.  While the beasts were investigating their kills, the Dalnyall warrors surrounded the Giants and began the slow but steady work of first blinding them with arrows and spears, then slashing their legs, ankles and knees until they fell to the ground and finally killing them with spear, axe and sword once they were on the ground.  The broken bodies of Caiden and his son were so thoroughly mutilated by the Giants that they could not be fully brought back to Nyallshold, but the arm of the monster that killed them both was removed, preserved and brought back to Nyallshall as a trophy of the bravery and sacrifice of them both.


Greta Bencraig


Towards Caiden Dalnyall


Caiden Dalnyall


Towards Greta Bencraig


56 at his death
121 AF 177 AF 56 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed fighting giants
Place of Death
Near Craigshome of the Bencraig
Current Residence
Body never recovered
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations