Nolan Dalnyall

Ryuri Dalnyall, Lord Nolan Dalnyall

Nolan Dalnyall was the Ryuri Dalnyall and the father of the current Ryuri Dalnyall, Olan Dalnyall. Nolan is remembered as a fair and honorable leader of the Dalnyall Clan who ruled for 33 years before his mysterious death in 210 AF while investigating raids along the Imessian frontier.   Nolan married Kyra Naylan in 175 AF at the age of 22.  She was the daughter of a very wealthy and powerful warlord of the Dalbrok Clan that neighbors the Dalnyall to the southeast, and it was because of the birth of their first daughter that Nolan did not march with his father and brother to Craigshome in 177 AF.  Over the next 35 years, Nolan and Kyra had eight children together, four girls and four boys, all of whom are still alive today.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In 210 AF, a series of raids and attacks on farmsteads and villages near the Imessian border prompted Nolan to take a small force of men to investigate.  He travelled with ten of his best Boyne Guards and his personal master-at-arms, Korrin Meeney, to the Imesse border and found three farmsteads raised to the ground, the bodies of the farmers left unburied and all the cattle and horses gone without a trace.  While following the brigand's trail to the east along the frontier, the could hear fighting in the distance and Nolan sent one of his guards back north to call for more men.  Upon their return the next day, the bodies of all 10 men, including the Ryuri, were found hacked to pieces and left unburied to be eaten by wolves and crows.   No other bodies were found to give any insight into who attacked the Ryuri and his men, but most believed it was a raid promoted by the Duke of Hekmo, Turl am Nari, who was actively trying to forment a war between the Kingdom of Imesse and Colo.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Many people believe that Nolan carried a large burden of guilt for not having fought alongside his father and brother at Craigshome, and they recall Nolan's first years as Ryuri as being difficult and hard for the 24-year-old man.  Nearly everyone credits his wife, Kyra Naylan, as being the motivator and driving force in his becoming the strong and influential leader that he was for the next 30 years.  Her love for her husband and her wise and careful counsel helped Nolan grow into a great man.


Nolan Dalnyall


Towards Kyra Naylan

Kyra Naylan


Towards Nolan Dalnyall

57 at his death
153 AF 210 AF 57 years old
Circumstances of Death
Found dead with his personal guard of multiple sword wounds
Place of Death
Colian border with Imesse
Kyra Naylan (spouse)
Current Residence
Buried at Nyallshold
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations