Cameron am Warrhim

Lord Baron, Cameron am Warrhim

Cameron am Warrhim was the Baron of Jorick until his death in 214 AF.  He was the father of the current baron, Camden am Warrhim.  Cameron ruled the Barony for 34 years and brought a period of peace and prosperity unlike any known in the region since the founding of the Kingdom.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cameron became Baron when his father, Baron Canton am Warrhim, died in his bed at the surprising age of 40 years.  Baron Canton had been a poor Baron, renowned for bad choices in his life and in how he governed.  He was considered by many (including is children) to be a miser and a pinch-penny who begrudged every farthing he was forced to spend.  If the Barony was forced by necessity to spend gold on the upkeep of town walls, then the town was taxed twice what the walls cost to maintain.  Canton happily watched the Barony's infrastructure age and decay without any concern other than how much money it was saving his treasury.  He even let the condition of his ancient family residence, Barony House, fall into a state where it was very nearly unsafe to live in, let alone raise children and grandchildren in.   After he passed, his oldest son, Cameron, was named the 10th Baron of Jorick.  Cameron immediately revoked all tax obligations beyond the minimum required to maintain the riverfront warfs and quays and the main roads leading to and from the city gates.  He then proceeded to spend amazing amounts of money to improve the city and baronial infrastructure.  He offered preferred status to new businesses and industries such as ship building, logging, quarrying, pottery and kiln operations, cooperages... and all these businesses and craftsmen began to settle in and around Jorick.  Within eight years, the worn, dirty and delapitaded town of Jorick was full to bursting with shops, markets, goods, produce and people.  Baronial revenues doubled, then doubled again 6 years later, and by his 15th year as Baron, Cameron was one of the wealthiest Barons in the entire Kingdom of Imesse.   Cameron was not at the initial invasion of Colo during the Second Northern War in 213 AF.  However, he was commanded to muster two Regiments of Lancers and march them to Kall where, along with regiments from Wessfall and Kington, a large foray into the territory of the Benroty Clan was made.  The Imessian cavalry was turned back less than 30 miles from the border and, during the retreat, Cameron was killed leading the rearguard defense.
53 at his death
161 AF 214 AF 53 years old
Place of Death
North of Kall
Current Residence
Buried at Jorick
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations