Camden am Warrhim

Baron of Jorick Camden am Warrhim

Camden am Warrhim is the reigning Baron of Jorick. He is nearly 50 years old and is related to the King of Lesser Imesse by marriage. He has held the Barony for 19 years, and was named Baron when his father, Cameron, was killed in the war with Colo. He takes great pride in the success of his barony and its people, and is fiercely protective of what he has built.   Camden has built many alliances and forged many friendships by fostering and tutoring the sons of his fellow nobles from across Lesser Imesse. He has four of his own sons, as well as four daughters, and his sister, Anne is married to Mak II.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

The Baron has inplemented a policy of fostering and mentoring the children of other nobles as a means of building relationships and alliances between the various regions and factions within the Kingdoms of Imesse.  Camden is currently fostering four sons of other Barons and one Prince of Lesser Imesse while two of his own sons and three of his daughters are being fostered by other noble families.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Camden harbors an intense hatred for the Grand Baron of Wessridge, Maklin am Maxalli.  Despite this, he has made real efforts to build an association with the Grand Baron's son, Makron am Maxalli.



Baron since 214 AF.

Contacts & Relations

Camden has many close ties of honor and friendship with noblemen all over the Kingdoms because of his generous habit of fostering and teaching young men and women of other houses within his own.  Sons of many prominent families and noble houses are squires to the Baron while daughters are taught vital and oft over-looked skills in household management and estate workings by his wife, the Baroness Lana Ahmi.

Family Ties

Camden's eldest sister, Anne Warrhim, is married to King Mak II.


Lana Ahmi


Towards Camden am Warrhim


Camden am Warrhim


Towards Lana Ahmi


Honorary & Occupational Titles
Baron of Jorick
Lana Ahmi (Wife)
Pantheon of Heaven
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations