Corin, Earl Blackbeard

Earl Blackbeard

Formerly know as Corin Blackbeard, Earl Blackbeard is the ruling authority over the entire Great Clan of Blackbeard Dwarves. His voice is the last word for more than 44,000 Dwarves claiming connection to the Clan Blackbeard. Once crowned, The Blackbeard is the the clan incarnate and the literal personification of all Blackbeards, living and dead.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Stout, strong, remarkably quick for a Dwarf

Facial Features

Bright blue eyes, a thick grey beard framing a kind face.

Apparel & Accessories

Prone to enjoy wearing his official armor as often as possible, as it reminds him of his days in the Legions.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born Corin Blackbeard, the Earl Blackbeard was born and raised in the City of Thorahl. At the age of 26, in the year -64 AF, Corin began serving in the Thorahl Legions as a Legionary. Over a 60 year career, he rose through the ranks to Lord Commander of the Citadel, and retired from the Legions to take up a post as the Lord Minister of State for Thorahl. He served in the administration of the last Earl Blackbeard (his first cousin) for 88 years, following him into battle against a massive Orc invasion in 107 AF.  When the Earl died of wounds received during the Ten Winter War, Corin was chosen to succeed his cousin as Earl Blackbeard.   Corin gave up his given name, becoming the personification of ALL Blackbeard Dwarves with the title of Earl Blackbeard. He has been Earl for 124 years, and under his guidance and protection the Blackbeard Clan has prospered and grown in strength, influence and wealth.  Because of his experiences during the Orc War, the Earl has maintained a strong eye towards security and defense for his City and his people.

Personality Characteristics


Driven to see the Clan Blackbeard continue to grow and prosper, and eager to see other minor clans also grow and prosper, especially the Redfist Clan as it is closely allied with the Blackbeards.



109 AF - Present

Contacts & Relations

As the Earl Blackbeard, he has official relations with many powerful national leaders, and has a good relationship with Tessian, King of Aria. He is acquainted with Lomain Duke of Lorancourt and Mak II King of Lesser Imesse. He is particularly good friends with the Chief of the Clan Redfist, Lord Redfist.

Family Ties

He has been married for 118 years and has 11 children.  As none of his sons have reached an age where he feels they are ready to follow him as Earl Blackbeard, he has named his brother, Colin Blackbeard, as his heir apparent.

Wealth & Financial state

As Earl Blackbeard, he wants for nothing.  However, even a cursory examination of his personal belongings shows that he really doesn't have much of anything that is "his".  Were he not Earl Blackbeard, he might very well be a pauper.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Earl Blackbeard; Lord when addressed directly.
Thorahl, Gorgomoth
Current Residence
Thorahl, Gorgomoth
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations