Stone Mountains

The Stone Mountains, or Kameny Gory in Junnharic, are a large range of mountains in the far western regions of The Junn Steppe.  Located on the north side of the Caldar River and beginning roughly 125 miles west of the furthest extent of the Kingdom of Cobal, this range of mountains runs northwest for more than 400 miles and is more than 100 miles deep (north-to-south).  It is a high, rugged range with peaks reaching as high as 18,000 feet and for many hundreds of square miles, is nearly entirely impassable during the winter season.   The Stone Mountains are particularly infamous for its populations of OrcsOgres and Trolls that occassionally wander down out of the heights and attack lands and settlements to the east.
A view of the Stone Mountains in the spring.
Alternative Name(s)
Kameny Gory (Junnharic)
Mountain Range
Location under