Grand Temple, Jorick

The Grand Temple of Jorick is a celebrated religious house of the Pantheon of Heaven faith located in the heart of the City of Jorick. Sometimes called the "Temple of Towers" it is famed for its three great bell towers which house 11 great bronze bells that are renowned for their beautiful perfectly-pitched ringing, it is a stunning and dynamic building that draws hundreds of the faithful daily to worship under its peaked blue roof.   The Temple was refurbished by the Baron Cameron am Warrhim the very summer he was annointed to the baronial seat. The old temple complex had suffered much neglect under Cameron's father, Baron Canton am Warrhim miserly reign as Baron of Jorick. Cameron granted the Grand Temple a large gift of some of the best real estate in the City and a market charter to provide funds to completely renovate the older, neglected temple complex. The footprint of the temple is the same, but almost nothing else of the old structure remains above ground. The temple is surrounded by a broad open market square faced with many busy and profitable shops and inns, and twice a week the market spills out into the square with stalls, tents and wagons full of food and goods. The east side of the market square has a large and very well-appointed hospital and school attached to a fine rectory. The north side of the square has a chapterhouse of the Order of the Daughters of Heaven that operate and staff both the hospital and the school.   Since its redesign, the Grand Temple has had the income generated by the markets and fairs to finance all the work, art and infrastructure and that income is amazing.  As the markets have boomed and expanded, so have the incomes and the Temple has reaped the benefits.  Its vaults and banks are overflowing with gold and silver, and its ancillary operations like the hospital and school of the Order of the Daughters of Heaven have grown as well.

Purpose / Function

Primary temple of the Grand Ecclesiast of Jorick, Myles Mayfield, and the center of worship for thousands of local faithful.


Initially built as a rather small temple, it has since been refurbished over the last 25 years into an oppulent yet functional temple of much renown.  It's famed towers are topped with the traditional blue roofs of the faith and the over-all design is reminiscent of an Abbey or Commandery of the Faith.  It is located in the center of the market square and the heart of the market events.
A view of the Grand Temple of Jorick and the surrounding Temple Market Square
Alternative Names
Temple of Towers, Market Temple
Cathedral / Great temple
Parent Location
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization