Graysen am Frigani

Baron Graysen am Frigani (a.k.a. Black Baron)

Graysen am Frigani is the Baron of Wennick. He is a tall, muscular man dedicated to being the consummate "man of war". He has studied tactics, strategy and logistics as well as the history of warfare in all its manifestations.   He has dedicated himself to making his barony as impregnable and unassailable as possible. He has developed an economic model that makes him the maximum amount of revenue as a baron, so he can use that revenue to ensure that the barony is safe from any outside threats or attacks.   In 206 AF, at the age of 17, he accompanied his father and uncle  on a trip to Cobal to buy a dozen of the famous Cobal Chargers. While there, he got a chance to see first hand just how efficient the Cobal military was, especially their Dragoon Regiments. Since his elevation to Baron, he has raised, trained and led six elite companies of Lancers within the Barony, taking the greatest pride in the 600+ Lancer Knights he can now field in the defense of Wennick.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Graysen was a young Knight Captain of Horse during the Colian War (213 AF to 217 AF) and was able to see first hand just how costly and wasteful bad leadership and poor training can be in wartime.  He watched literally hundreds of his fellow knights and men-at-arms die in useless charges and panicked retreats.  Hunger, sickness and disease were as rampant as desertion in that army, and Graysen saw it all as the result of poor leadership, poor planning and poor morale.   Since then, he has dedicated himself to the art of war, command of troops and the understanding of logistics and support in times of conflict.  The Barony of Wennick is one of the most secure and safe regions in all of Imesse thanks to his planning, foresight and tireless efforts.


Family Ties

Graysen has been married to Mavis Maxalli for 25 years, and has five children with her. While the marriage was not always based on mutual attraction, the two have grown quite close over the decades and are now very affectionate towards each other, and their children. The marriage has certainly strengthened Graysen's friendship with his brother-in-law, Mak II.   His uncle is the Lord Steward of the Realm, Gerard am Frigani.


Mavis Maxalli


Towards Graysen am Frigani


Graysen am Frigani


Towards Mavis Maxalli


Mavis Maxalli (Wife)
Current Residence
Pantheon of Heaven
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations