Barony of Wennick (wen-nik)

The Barony of Wennick is almost as old as the kingdom.  Founded in 77 AF just after the Barony of Beldoah, it was one of the first marcher baronies created to aid in the defense of the realm.  For 156 years, the Frigani family has ruled this small but very influential area of the Caldar valley.   Rich in fertile soil, valuable resources and prosperous trade opportunities, Wennick is a vital part of the economy and defense of the Kingdom.


Baron Graysen rules absolutely in the King's name.


A strong and lasting appreciation for profit exists all across the barony, and law and order are good for profits.

Demography and Population

The Barony's population is just over 40,000 souls, of which 19,000 are Human, 18,000 are Halfling, 1,000 are Dwarf and 2,000 are Gnome.   The largest city in the Barony is Wennick, at 8,000 people.  Including the city of Wennick, there are 9 towns or villages of more than 900 people.   The barony has two Briaries:  Washtown in the north where Hugh Coats is Briar and Highbank in the south where Clay Crane is Briar.


The Barony is roughly square in shape, with the Caldar River being its western edge for 40 miles.  The territory extends east from the river at least another 20 miles inland, with its furthest extend 29 miles inland.  The total area within the barony is just over 800 square miles.


The Barony of Wennick has a ruler that is focused on defense and strength of arms as a deterrent to attack and lawlessness. Graysen Frigani has raised a standing baronial force of 22 Cos of soldiers and cavalry, two of those companies mustering at Wennick itself.   In addition to the significant cost associated with raising, training and maintaining a force of this size, Baron Graysen has also invested in the construction of no fewer than six large keeps along the baronial borders and the river's edge.   An additional note should be made of the six Companies of Wennick Lancers maintained by the Baron. These companies are each commanded by a Knight Commander and are comprised of five Troops of 20 mounted knights.

Agriculture & Industry

Productive farms and ranches dominate the interior regions of the barony, while five large river towns (and Wennick itself) are located on the water.  There are four valuable clay beds, mountains of clean sand and aggregate gravel for building, productive forests and large wool industry to be found adding to the wealth and prosperity of the barony.

Trade & Transport

Tens of thousands of guilders worth of trade funnel through the ports of Wennick every month.  Four major roads are maintained to keep goods and produce moving from the interior of Lesser Imesse to the mighty Caldar.
A view of Wennick Castle from the Caldar River.
Founding Date
77 AF
Geopolitical, Barony
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities