Len Coats

Lord Steward Len Coats

Len Coats is the Lord Steward of Graystone Castle in the Town of Farway in the Duchy of Grenwich.  He is a 46-year-old Human and a close friend of the Duke of Grenwich, Dogar Lann.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A fit man of 5'8" with thinning brown hair and a face cleanly shaved each and every day.

Apparel & Accessories

Len does not wear or wield any badge of office other than his signet ring used to sign and seal all official documents from his office.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Len is a very cold and calculating man, able to contain any and all emotions that might compromise his position or authority.  As a judge, he is dispassionate in the extreme.  He is intelligent, well spoken and driven to succeed in whatever endeavor he undertakes.

Personality Characteristics


Len is dedicated to help his Duke in any capacity he can.  Currently, he is tasked with the running and management of the regions surrounding the Town of Farway and Graystone Castle, and he is willing to do whatever he must to make his efforts as successful, efficient and profitable as possible.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Len has a gift for calculations and book keeping, but lacks a sense of humor.  He has few close friends and has never married.
Current Location
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations