Town of Farway

The Town of Farway is in the extreme southwest of the Duchy of Grenwich on the only complete road between the City of Grenwich and the western half of the Kingdom of Lesser Imesse. The town has a population of more than 5,000 souls, most of which are Human.   The lands surrounding the town are a nearly endless expanse of prairie, extending from the coastal forests to the east all the way to the Caldar River valley nearly 500 miles to the west. Prairie grasses with roots that extend nearly 8' into the rough, rocky soil make plowing almost impossible, so large cereal crop farms are not a common sight around Farway. Small garden plots and the occassional fruit or nut orchard are more common, and one can barely count the number of sheep to be seen in the nearby fields and hills.   The town itself is centered on the newly renovated and recently completed Graystone Castle. Rebuilt on the order of the Duke of Grenwich, Dogar am Lanni and ruled directly by the Steward of Graystone, Len Coats, the castle is the latest and greatest example of fortress design. The town also boasts some of the finest walls and gates in the entire region, providing the residents with a superior level of protection and security from attack.


Almost entirely Human.  There is a small group of Dwarven families that have taken up residence inside the town's walls that specialize in blacksmithing and masonry, and most of these Dwarves are members of the Ironhand Clan and number about 40 souls.


The Town of Farway is directly ruled by the Duke of Grenwich through the appointed Steward of Graystone Castle, Len Coats.  The Steward is assisted in his rule by a Mayor and a Watch Commander.


Town walls are 18' high and 10' think, with two double gatehouses on the east and west walls.  On the south wall of the town is the fortress called Graystone Castle, built by the Duke himself.  Within the Castle are two full Companies of Foot and a Company of Lancers all led by veteran knights of The Grey Riders.

Industry & Trade

The town lies in the middle of nearly endless high prairie where more than 9,000 sheep are grazed in dozens of herds year round. Thus, wool production is the industry of choice in Farway. One breed in particular, the Grenwich Gray, produces a fine, soft wool of superior warmth and durability that is highly prized and highly priced at markets further to the north and west.   Another growing field of business is the licensed hunts.  The Duke, through the office of his Steward, Len Coats, offers hunting parties bounties and rewards for removing dangerous and costly predators from the area that might harm local herds (or residents).  Smilodon, wyvern, dire wolves, lions, bears, and boars all bring a bounty of as much as 5 guilders an animal.


The town has newly completed and very well designed walls, towers and gates.  Attacking the city by force would not be an easy task, even for a sizable seige army.  Roads are paved with stone, the town has several large public wells that draw fresh, cold water from a great depth, and four enormous cisterns have been carved out of the local granite bedrock to hold ample amounts of fresh water in the event of a seige.  Most homes and buildings are built with the native bedrock and many are roofed in fired tile.


The Gray Fold is the area of open prairie located north and east of Farway, while the Far Fold is the grazing range to the south of Farway as far as the Teeth of the North and the frontier of Aria.  While neither of these areas are considered part of the Town of Farway, they are important areas to the town since so many of its residents depend on the flocks that feed in those folds.  Lancer patrols from both the Town and Graystone Castle frequently move through both these areas to ensure the safety of the sheppards and sheep.


The entire region around the town is seemingly endless high prairie or scrub oak savanna.  The soil is rough, rocky and ill suited for the use of a plow due to the deep roots of the prairie grasses that dominate the landscape.  These roots can extend as far into the ground as the grasses rise above it (easily 3' to 7') and periodic wildfires cause the grasses to regrow with a vengence.  The entire region is ideal habitat for horses, cattle, bison, sheep, elk, deer, and pigs.  This sort of native fauna brings with it the inevitable predators, such as wolves, bears, lions (including Smilodon), wyvern and even the occassional Dragon.


Hot, dry summers, cold dry winters and (often) very heavy spring rains.  Winds blow strong all year long, and grass and scrub trees dominate the landscape.

Natural Resources

The most notable resource that is lacking in and around Farway are actual trees.  Most mature hardwood of any quality must be hauled from the north as far as 50 miles.  Any local source of wood and lumber comes from the few stands of srcub oak and stunted maple found growing along streams and river bottoms.   Resources that abound are grasses and reeds, fine clay beds, and several quarries of exceptionally hard and durable granite.
The walled town of Farway, looking west
Market day on Fair Street in Farway
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location