Dogar am Lanni

Duke Dogar Lan am Lanni

Dogar Lan am Lanni is the current Duke of Grenwich. He is an ambitious man, driven to improve his position in the Kingdoms and his personal power and authority. He is a veteran of many battles and is a proven and successful commander. He has an established association with Lomain, Duke of Lorancourt... even if it might not ever be called a freindship.   A younger son of a minor noble, Dogar's prospects early in life had been rather dim.  However, he managed to make a name for himself duing the The Second Cobal-Imesse War and in the years that followed he managed to perform services for the Kingdom of Lesser Imesse that made his name and his fortune.  Answering a call to assist the people of eastern Teboba, Lann defeated one of the deadliest hags ever to have troubled Imesse and in the process became intantly wealthy.  Dogar leveraged that wealth and influence into a title of Duke and firmly placed himself into the elite of the realm.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dogar was born the third son of a very minor knight in the City of Southridge. His father, Donnal Lann, was a rival to the father of Lomain am Lomanni, the current Duke of Lorancourt. While Lomanni had much success at the Court at Southridge, Donnal did not. Both Dogar's brothers died in the Second Northern War, and upon the end of the war, Dogar spent severeal seasons adventuring in the wilds of Teboba. After an encounter with a very dangerous and very wealthy hag, Dogar became very rich, and used his new found wealth to its maximum effect. In the years since, he has steadily climbed the ladder of influence and political power to become one of the most successful nobles in the Kingdom of Lesser Imesse.

Intellectual Characteristics

Highly intelligent, driven to succeed in everything he does.

Personality Characteristics


Dogar is an ambitious man.  He has climbed the social and political ladder to the rank of Duke and seems to be constantly striving for more.  He tends to be jealous of the success his peers have when he thinks he doesn't share it.


Contacts & Relations

Dogar has had a long association with Lomain and Landan am Ahmi and is well connected at court both in Northridge and in Southridge. Was a close friend of Tessian, King of Aria years ago.

Family Ties

Distant cousin of Hal am Toricki of Beldoah.

Wealth & Financial state

Dogar comes from a poor family of a very minor knight in Southridge.  Through a lifetime of adventuring and hard work, he has amassed a vast personal fortune rivalling any other in the kingdom.
Current Residence
Pantheon of Heaven
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Speaks Common, Arian and Colian.