Martin Westin

Lord Mayor Martin Westin

Martin Westin is the Mayor of the City of Rolar in the Ward of Rolar.  He is an 81-year-old Halfling that has held the title of Lord Mayor for 30 years, and he is widely credited with much of the success and growth that the City has experienced over those many years.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Martin was born in a small Halfling community on the banks of the Rolar River about 12 miles south of the City of Rolar.  His family owned a small farm on the river bank and made their living growing vegetables and fishing for turtles, eelpouts  and trout on long trot lines.  Martin's family moved to the Rolar region from the banks of the Caldar River, where they had been harrassed excessively by common brigands disguised as fisherman from the Imesse-side of the river and brought with them a knowledge and technique to fishing that was new to Rolar and was immediately successful.   The family's success prompted a visit by two very old and very wise Gnomes that had been tasked with surveying the region as part of the Regent's Census.  These two Gnomes remained with the Westin family for a full week, and were wildly impressed with the young Martin's intelligence and skill at both numbers and letters.  They offered to teach Martin as much as they could in the time the Lord High Regent had given them to travel through the Ward while Martin assisted them in their labors.  His parents agreed and Martin spent the next 9 months travelling the region, helping the enumoratorii (the Gnomish term for census taker) during the day and studying subjects like arithmetic, rhetoric, logic and grammar after dark.  Martin excelled and soon mastered these and other schools of learning to a degree that amazed even his learned teachers.   Upon his return to his family's farm, he helped his parents grow the family interest and generate a staggering amount a wealth in just ten years.  His efforts led to so much seccuess, in fact, that he was brought to the attention of influential people from the nearby City of Rolar and was offered a fine salary to assit the City in its efforts to grow the local economy.  His efforts again brought an amazing amount of success, and in less than 8 years working within the City of Rolar, he had been named Lord Mayor by the Warden for his obvious skills and abilities.

Intellectual Characteristics

Martin is amazingly smart.  He credits his intellectual success not so much with what the old Gnomes taught him that fateful summer, but instead wtih how they taught him.  He seems to have learned a means by which he can see, hear or read something once, and forever be able to recall that information perfectly and without fail.


203 AF to present

Wealth & Financial state

Martin lives a modest and quiet lifestyle from his small home near the Warden's Keep, but truth be told he is one of the wealthiest people in the City.  He takes no money from the City or Ward for his labors, but his wise and thoughtful investments have brought him real wealth and real influence far beyond his role as Mayor.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord Mayor of the City of Rolar
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Martin speaks Caldarian, Arian and Junnharic and is fluent in Gnomish and Elvish.
Ruled Locations