Millard the Bold

His Royal Majesty, King Millard Bolder

Millard the Bold was the first King of Cobal. He was the founder of the Royal House of Bolder from which all subsequent Kings of Cobal hailed.   Millard was born Millard Warden in the year 102 BF in the Shire of Jemptal. At the age of 38, he was Sheriff of Jemptal when a large herd of wyvern attacked the shire from the northwest, following the course of the Rolar River. Millard quickly marshalled the shire's Guard and led the defense of the homes and property of the community. Legend states that he personally killed or drove off eleven of the large beasts, but most people agree that the entire herd numbered eleven and that his small force of lightly-armored Guardsmen killed or drove off that many beasts. Less than a month later, a sizable horde of orcs (numbering at least 60 males) attacked the shire (it is often assumed that it was the actions of the approaching orcs that forced the wyverns to move into the shire earlier that summer). Again, Millard raised the Guard and led the defense and completely eliminated the horde before they reached the walls of Jemptal.   Millard's martial skills and his rising popularity prompted the entire shire, and indeed all the shires surrounding Jemptal, to proclaim him King Millard the Bold. One of Millard's first acts as king was to appoint his nephew, Willard, as the first Warden of Cobal (later, Warden of Jemptal).   Millard's rule is remembered as a safe and peaceful reign, and much of the current border of the nation was established under his rule. Millard died from a wound received by a harpy while leading the attack to remove the nest at the age of 67. His House would continue to rule Cobal for the next 200 years.
67 at his death
102 BF 35 BF 67 years old
Aligned Organization