
Ogres are the most common form of the family Gigantae.  They are the smallest of all their cousins, averaging about 6'8" in height, but are still immensely strong and durable.  They make excellent soldiers in Orc hordes for their natural inclination to follow orders and be led by others.  They are merciless in battle, as once commanded to fight and kill, they will not stop until ordered to do so.   Ogres are omnivores that prefer meat, and eat it raw or cooked, usually right off the bone.  They have a natural penchant for collecting items made of iron, the more intricately worked, the better.  It is not uncommon for one to find an Ogre wearing such things as frypans, fire pokers or pot lids on their bodies that have taken their fancy.  Materials such as gold, silver or gems hold no allure at all for Ogres.

Basic Information


Ogres are the smallest of the Gigantae family, but still formidably large creatures.  Humanoid form, standing more than 6'6" on average and weighing nearly 400 lbs.

Biological Traits

Ogres are the most common of the Gigantae family of giants, and the least intelligent.  They do not craft, design or create.  Instead, they steal, loot and pillage whatever they feel they need or are directed to take.

Genetics and Reproduction

Ogres reproduce sexually, with females producing litters of usually three or more young at a time.  Females go into heat twice a year, and are pregnant for about 6 months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Ogres are entirely dependent on the mother for the first year of their life, breast feeding or being fed pre-chewed food.  By one year, they are eating cooked meat and have most of their teeth.  Adulthood is at about 14 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Ogres live anywhere orcs and trolls live, and maintain a close relationship with both species.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ogres are omnivores, but traditionally always prefer meat protien.  They have pronounced canine teeth, almost tusk-like, and only a few functioning molars in the very back of their large mouths.

Biological Cycle

Ogres live a tough, violent life and their lifespans are shortened because of it.  Few males live past 50 years.


Ogres as a species long for order and structure in their lives.  They thrive in an envornment were all decisions are made for them and every actions is given clear direction.  For this reason, they are exceptional tools in large-scale warfare if given adequate command leadership.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Like many Giants, they have large, pointy heads with small brains, hair that only grows on the crowns of their skulls.  Pointed ears, pronounced canines and sharp, pointed incisors.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Varied, but are most commonly found in areas known to be inhabited by Orcs and Trolls.

Average Intelligence

Very low.  Equivalent to a young Human child.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Poor daytime eyesight, very poor hearing, exceptional sense of smell
An Ogre in battle
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Gigantae Orcus Horriblis
50 years
Average Height
6'8" for males, slightly less for females.
Average Weight
390 lbs
Average Physique
Immensely strong, capable of great feats of endurance when needed.  Able to carry or pull their own body weight for an entire day without rest.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pallid flesh color, hairless bodies besides the tops of their pointy heads.