Storm Giants

Storm Giants are one of the races of Noble Giants, so named for their high intelligence and exceptional craftsmanship.  Storm Giants are huge, strong and amazingly resilient.  Their muscles and bones are as dense as iron, their skin is so thick and tough as to be almost entirely impervious to traditional weapons and they have a developed ability to function in the harshest environments known.  Storm Giants have been seen working for (literally) days butchering krackens in chest deep water that is so cold it is freezing everything it touches.  They can handle red-hot metals as easily as hot bread.  When harvesting wood, their preferred method is to dig the entire tree out of the ground, then carry them back to their shops in groups of three or four huge trees.

Basic Information


One of the larger species of Gigantidae, Storm Giants are massively muscled creatures capable of amazing feats of strength. Their muscle tissue and bones are as dense as iron, and their skin is nearly impenetrable to traditional weapons.

Genetics and Reproduction

Unknown gestation cycles, as females have only rarely been observed.

Growth Rate & Stages


Ecology and Habitats

Scholars agree that there is no evidence that a Storm Giant couldn't live in any environment, but to date the only living examples are located in the far north of Colo and beyond, and are most frequently found within the Giant Kingdoms of the Silver Range Mountains.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Omnivores, capable of digesting everything from tree branches to kracken hides.

Biological Cycle



Exceptional crafting abilities, and known to make ships from exotic materials such as mammoth tusks, spruce trees and kracken hides that are able to hunt and retrieve sea creatures weighing hundred of tons.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Highly intelligent

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Poor night vision, normal hearing and an exceptional sense of smell.  Capable of knowing when a Human has eaten last just from the smell eminating from the body.

Civilization and Culture

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Storm Giants respect courtesy and good manners, whether from within their community or from those visiting them.

Common Taboos

Discourtesy, rude actions, and disrespect are all seen as quite insulting to Storm Giants.  Violence or any attempt at harm would be nearly suicidal.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Storm Giants are very social creatures, and are not averse to associating with other species.  In fact, there is a large community of Storm Giants that have a very close relationship with Elves, and have built for these Elves a large series of buildings to live in when they visit.
A Storm Giant harvesting trees.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Gigantidae Tempestus Terriblis
Average Height
20' to 23' tall
Average Weight
7,000 to 8,000 lbs due to the incredible density of their flesh and bones
Average Physique
One of the strongest creatures known to exist, and very nearly indestructible as well.