Hill Giant

Hill Giants are a species of Gigantae that are frequently found throughout the known world.  Thought to be closely related to Stone Giants anatomically, they are a large type of Common Giant that are slow-witted and extremely violent and aggressive.  Typically standing between 16' and 20' tall and weighing nearly 4,000 lbs, they are one of the more dangerous types of Gigantae that can be encountered.   Hill Giants are thought to be capable of very long lives, as some examples have been found that showed an age of more than 200 years.  Their natural physique makes age determination through simple appearance difficult, however.  Hill Giants have grey to white colored hair even at a young age, and their hard, rough skin and stooped posture and gait makes them all appear quite old to the untrained eye.  Like all giants, they are immensely strong and capable of remarkable feats of endurance, but Hill Giants do not exhibit the same muscle structure that Mountain Giants or Storm Giants do, and are very similar in physical appearance to Stone Giants.   Hill Giants are thought to be omnivores (based on their teeth), but most encounters with them are the result of the Giants trying to eat the observers.  They are not known to make or use any tools or items other than what is immediately at hand (trees, rocks, wagons, etc.) and are incredibly aggressive towards other species.  They have been found to wear skins and hides of animals to cover vulnerable parts of their anatomy, but otherwise do not clothe themselves.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction


Growth Rate & Stages


Ecology and Habitats

Typically found in hilly, broken or mountainous areas as far from civilization as possible.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Thought to be omnivores, but only observed to consume raw meat.

Biological Cycle



Extremely aggressive and prone to attack most sentient creature it encounters immediately and without warning.  The only known creatures that a Hill Giant has been observed to flee from are Dragons.  Rumors also exist that they will hide or flee from Storm Giants, as well, but this has not been decisively proven.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Unknown, typically observed alone or in pairs.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

As with all Giants, they are very dangerous and nearly every portion of the creature is highly valuable due to the difficulty in aquiring the parts.  Of particularly high value is the blood and thumbs of Hill Giants (magical components).

Average Intelligence

Low intelligence, vocabulary of less than 200 words

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Extremely poor eyesight, poor hearing, exceptional sense of smell.
  A charging Hill Giant of the Red Mountains.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Gigantae Collis Horriblis
Unknown, thought to be nearly 200 years
Average Height
16' to 20'
Average Weight
3,700 lbs or more
Average Physique
Incredibly strong but not overly muscled as some Giant species are.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Rough, stone-like skin and gray to white hair and beard at all ages.