
Trolls are a type of humanoid-like Giant that plague civilized communities all over the world.  Huge, strong, brutal and seemingly always hungry.  Voracious carnivores, they habitually take a bite of any creature they kill, even if they aren't actively hunting for food.

Basic Information


Trolls are one of the smaller but more common types of Gigantae found in the world.  Humanoid in shape, but sharing far more in common with the rest of the Giant-kind than other humanoids.

Biological Traits

Tall, immensely strong, and densely built.  An average male troll of 35 years stands about 7'6" tall and weighs an amazing 475 lbs or more.  Dense, fibrous muscle and thick, heavy bones make the trolls both hard to kill and hard to defend against.

Genetics and Reproduction

Trolls reproduce sexually, females birthing single offspring (called trollins) that are immediately fed a gruel of either chewed raw meat or clotted blood.  It is speculated that females go into heat only once a year, but this has never been confirmed.

Growth Rate & Stages

Trollins grow at an alarming rate, reaching adulthood (the ability to reproduce themselves) at 12 years.

Ecology and Habitats

While trolls demonstrate an ability to withstand all the same weather extremes that other Giants and humanoids do, they do not seem to like very hot, dry places and have never been documented to live in jungle, desert or tropical coastal regions.  Temperate to subarctic regions, and especially mountainous regions, seem to be there preferred habitat.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Violent and voracious carnivores who gain particular delight in killing (often very slowly) their intended dinner.  Raised from birth to eat raw, and sometimes living, flesh.

Biological Cycle

Due to their inherently violent nature, trolls do not tend to live very long.  Most experts believe that the average lifespan for a male troll doesn't exceed 50 years.


Trolls value food above all else, but also value anything shiny or flashy. Gold in and of itself has no value to a troll, other than the fact that it always shines. Burnished steel, polished silver, or polished copper are just as attractive to a troll, until they tarnish or rust, at which point the objects are discarded as worthless.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Violently hierarchical, with the strongest and most violent members of a group always fighting for control.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Troll tusks are a valuable component in potions and elixirs.

Facial characteristics

Disproportionately large heads that come to a steep point at the top of the skull.  Skulls are very thick and heavy, but the brain is small and undeveloped.  Large heavy brows, pointed ears, thick tusks on both upper and lower jaws that often impede speech.  Hair is course and black, growing only on the head.

Average Intelligence

Dull-witted, slow fo speech, easily angered into an incoherent rage.  Cognative ability of a 12-year-old Human.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Poor eyesight in the daylight, good hearing, excellent sense of smell

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Trolls have often allied themselves with Orcs and Ogres when the prospect of food, violence and/or loot is promised.
Troll male wearing boiled leather
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Gigantes Troglodytum Horriblis
Usually not more than 45 years
Average Height
7'6" for males, 6'3" for females
Average Weight
450+ lbs for males, 400 lbs for females
Average Physique
Incredibly strong and unbelievably durable.  Known to walk for 40+ hours without rest, carrying half again their own body weight.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin is typically grey to grey-green, rough and thick and almost never washed.