Ethyl Fey

Ethyl Fey (a.k.a. Meadow)

Ethyl Fey is a remarkable young woman that has established herself as a formidable figure in the Town of Redfield. She is a 23-year-old Human female that has, in three short years, grown one of the most productive sheep herds in the Ward of Rolar.   Called the Fey Fold, Ethyl's herd of a nearly unique breed of western sheep that produce a remarkable wool that sheds water, retains its insulating properties even when soaked, and is as soft as fresh cotton when washed. The breed is also able to produce a superior grade of lanolin (wool grease) that is much prized as a medicinal and magical component across the Kingdom.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ethyl's parents became ill with a strange disease, and it claimed their lives when she was still an infant. When it was determined that baby Ethyl did not have the sickness, Eldora Fey took her in and raised her in her inn in the Town of Thorn.   Ethyl grew up knowing and loving Eldora as her mother, and as she grew, she took up working at the inn in various capacities. At the age of 15, she took another job with a shepherd family as a cook and hand on a nearby farm.  She worked this farm for five years, saving her pennies and growing her experience until she could buy her own starter stock.  With these six starter sheep, she has built a herd that has become one of the most productive and valuable in the Ward.


Taught to read and write by Eldora, and a graduate (with honors) from the school of hard knocks.


She works long hours every day to build and manage her flock.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Ethyl is a very trusting and honest woman.

Vices & Personality flaws

Ethyl is sometimes too honest and can be far too trusting.


Contacts & Relations

Ethyl's success is bring her into contact with more and more people of influence and means, and the skills and temperament that she learned from Eldora have served her admirably.

Family Ties

Ethyl is an orphan, and her only family is Eldora Fey and the other children Eldora has raised (or is raising).  She visits with her near-brother Connor as often as she can, as they were both some of the first children Eldora took in and raised.   Ethyl is unwed, mainly due to her dedication to her flock and her efforts to grow her business.  That does not mean she is without suitors.

Religious Views

Eldora raised all her children in the Druidic faith, and Ethyl still practices the rites faithfully.

Social Aptitude

Very engaging, an easy talker, and wielder of a sharp wit.

Hobbies & Pets

Ethyl's only constant companion in her life right now is her dog, Bolder.  Named for the dynasty that founded the Kingdom of Cobal, Bolder is a shaggy yellow dog that seems born to herd Ethyl's sheep.  Ethyl has only to make a motion with her crook or hand, and Bolder is off at full speed to direct the sheep where wanted.

Wealth & Financial state

Ethyl is rapidly approaching real wealth. Her wool sales are already exceeding her production rate, and the added value of the wool grease and stud fees are growing her profits every season.  To further increase her production capacity, Ethyl has recently sold some of her flock (eight sheep, to be exact) to a woman in Imesse named Rae Stoner for a sum of 250 guineas ($100,000).  Since the new flock is hundreds of miles away, she did not see this a direct competition to her own product, and the gold will certainly help her expand her capacity.
Ethyl and Bolder amidst the Fey Fold.
Circumstances of Birth
Abandoned as a child
Parents (Adopting)
Aligned Organization