Rollin Tully

Elder Rollin Tully

Rollin Tully is the High Priest of the Holy House of Oakfield and the grandson of Sheriff Liam Tully. Rollin is a popular priest in the community, and his celebrations and services are well received by all, even those that do not adhere to the Druidic Faith.   Many people are growing concerned about Rollin's health, however. Many have noticed that he is showing signs of fatigue, distraction and anxiety that are really beginning to effect his ability to function.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Normally very healthy and energetic, but over the last several months, his health and mental state have shown a marked change for the worse.

Mental characteristics

Mental Trauma

Rollin has recently had a troubling experience that is causing him much distress.  While pausing to meditate and pray under the branches of the Old Father Oak early one morning, Rollin seems to have fallen asleep.  He dreamed of very tree he was sleeping under dappled in bright sunlight.  Suddenly, the sky grows very dark and smoke and sparks begin to hide the massive, ancient tree from his vision.  Then a huge wall of flames crashes into the Oak, smashing it to kindling and consuming it instantly into soot and ash.  Rollin looks around and sees the entire forest ablaze with fire and choking smoke, and he can hear the clash of swords and the screams of dying people, but the smoke and flame keep him from seeing the cause of the disaster.   He turns to run for help, but is confronted by a giant armored figure whose face is shrouded by a large slitted helm.  The figure blocks Rollin's intended path, and with the point of a giant iron spear, points to another figure in the distance.  That figure is human-sized, colored red in a manner that Rollin finds comforting and safe rather than dangerous in the way the smoke and embers of the surrounding forest.  As he strains to see details of the red figure, a crown appears on its head, and where ever the figure walks, the fires die out and the grass and trees appear undamaged.  Rollin tries to follow the red figure, but his way is still blocked by the armored giant, who now holds a huge war mace high over his head, ready to smash Rollin to death with a blow.   It is at this point that Rollin wakes up.  The vision is so clear in his memory he can still smell the smoke and hear the screams, but as he looks around he sees nothing out of the ordinary.  He has this same vision every single night, always waking at the same moment, and only gradually being able to get any sleep at all.

Personality Characteristics


Rollin has a repeating vision that keeps visiting him every night as he goes to sleep.  He is convinced that the vision is of a future catastrophic event that is somehow connected to the heir to the Royal House of Bolder, Will Bolder.  Rollin does not know Will Bolder personally, but because of his grandfather, Liam Tully, he is aware of his existence and knows of his legitimate claim to the crown of Cobal.  Rollin believes that a catastrophy is coming to either Cobal in general or Rolar specifically, and that only Will Bolder, as the rightfull King of Cobal, can help avert it or defeat the cause of it.  Rollin is utterly convinced that this vision was sent to him by the Druidic god Neeta, long known to share visions of the future with believers that could make a difference in the events.


Family Ties

Grandson of Sherrif Liam Tully

Religious Views

A dedicated and devout adherent of the Druidic Faith, he has a large flock regularly visit the Holy House of Oakfield and his celebration services are typically very popular events, even for those that are not believers.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations