Royal Domains of Lesser Imesse

The Royal Domains of the Kingdom of Lesser Imesse are 45,000 square miles of territory and more than 200,000 souls that reside outside any of the other political divisions of the Realm. These are lands and properties that are directly controlled and administered by the King of Lesser Imesse and his appointed lords, and all revenues and fines associated with them go directly to the hands of the King.   Daily administration of the domains are handled by the Lord Steward of the Realm. The current Lord Steward is Gerard am Frigani.  As the Lord Steward, he holds a seat on the High Council of the Kingdom of Lesser Imesse and is known as one of the most powerful lords in the Realm.

Public Agenda

King Mak II has implemented a system of grants and rewards collectively known as Strongholds, where successful pacification and utilization of the wild and undeveloped regions of the Domains are rewarded with grants of land and the right to build a fortification.  This grant comes with required improvements that must be met by the holder of the grant, however, and those requirements have a significant cost associated with them.

Demography and Population

More than 200,000 souls live within the Royal Domains, with most living east and north of Soton


The Royal Domains cover more than 50,000 square miles of land. Much of it is high plains and dry prairies, and more than 12,000 square miles of it are the highlands and wilds of Teboba. The western regions of the Domains are more fertile and productive, however, and much of the Realm's food production happens here.

Agriculture & Industry

From Kingsrick to Soton and all the way to the Western Baronies there are hundreds of miles of farms, ranches and productive forests.  Wheat, rye, barley, corn, sorghum and oats are grown alongside produce like squash, beets, turnips, carrots, beans, potatoes and peas.  Horses, cattle, pigs and (literally) millions of sheep are raised on the tens of thousands of acres of tall prairie grass that grows as far as the eye can see west of Southridge.

Trade & Transport

Where rivers are lacking, superior roads are being built to ensure swift and safe passage for carts, wagons and horses.
Geopolitical, Province
Alternative Names
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories