The Golden Apple Inn

On Orchard Square is the Golden Apple. The Apple is a large inn, with rooms suited for all races. It is run by Avery Wynter, a Human male of 49 years. He runs the inn with his wife, Sybil, and the help of several employees. The inn is famous for its cider, which is bright and crisp as a golden apple. If one were to talk to Avery, it would become apparent rather quickly that he was not from the area. His accent is distinctly foreign, and he bears many visible scars that appear to be from combat. He is NOT receptive to simply answering questions, however.

Purpose / Function

An inn catering to all races and nationalities.  Roomy, comfortable and offering some of the best cider in the kingdom.


The outside is a typical timber-frame building with plaster over wattle construction.  There are no windows on the first floor, and narrow windows with heavy oak shutters on the second floor.  Rooms are warm, cozy and very comfortable.

Sensory & Appearance

The main room of the inn is wood paneled with several long trestle tables and side benches.  The ceiling is low and made of heavy oak beams where candle and lantern sconces are hung.  A stone hearth is against the wall that is opposite the main entrance, as is the doorway to the larder and kitchen entrances.  The room smells of fresh bread, bacon and sweet green apples.


A diverse crowd can usually be found at the Apple on any given night or day.  Many tradesmen and merchants frequent the inn, as do an awful lot of locals.


A large two-story timber-framed building with many stone chimneys poking through the slate roof.  A large stone kitchen is in the back next to a small bathouse.


Offering three meals a day and the finest green apple cider anywhere, the locals love the Green Apple.  The inn has rooms suited to people of all sizes, from the smallest Gnomes to the largest Humans.  Most rooms have small stone fireplaces for warmth and comfort.   Rooms are 2s a bed, meals are 9p a plate and cider is 6p a pint.  Baths are 1s extra per.
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