The Pony's Rest

The Pony's Rest is the best inn in the Town of Thorn. It is located just a few hundred feet inside the main gate and is a large three-story wooden structure. It is owned by Eldora Fey, a 50-year-old Halfling woman with a famous head of long blonde hair.

Purpose / Function

The Rest offers clean rooms, good food, great drinks and all that a weary traveler could hope for in hospitality.


Large high-ceilinged common room, with an attached stone kitchen built into an alcove at one end of the common room. This kitchen area is where all the food is prepared, on a large open hearth with a tall and effective chimney.  A larder is located to one side of the hearth, and another room is where the kegs of ale and cider are kept.  A staircase leads to floors above, where guest rooms and staff residences are. Stables and bathhouse are in the rear.

Sensory & Appearance

Walls of the common room are limed plaster walls, shuttered windows and stout oak beams supporting the floors above. Large round tables with backed seats fill the room, and a double wide doorway with wing doors gives access to the stairway leading to the guest rooms and residence area. A cold room, larder and pantry are located through a heavy door near the kitchen hearth. The first floor always smells of fresh bread and roasting meat, with just a hint of spilled cider and wood smoke.


The common room is typically full of locals, with a good amount of travelers added in.  Laughing, talking and gaming are all to be heard at any hour of the day.

Special Properties

Beer, cider, ale and stout are all available.  Wine is expensive and not very good.  Breakfast is cheese, toast and fried bacon.  Meals are roast meats, stews, soups, bread and cheese.  Rooms are plentiful but small, with real feather mattresses on real wooden frames.


The Pony's Rest is an old building, built over 100 years ago.  Eldora's parents bought the building and had it renovated to its current configuration about 8 years before Eldora was born.
  Common Room at the Pony's Rest, looking towards the hearth area.
Parent Location
Former Orphans:   Connor Rest Ethyl Fey