Sybil Wynter

Sybil Wynter (a.k.a. Sybilia Danalli)

Sybil Wynter is an exotic beauty and the wife of the proprietor of the The Golden Apple Inn in the Town of Thorn. She is a 45-year-old Human woman, and is known far and wide as the most beautiful woman in the Ward. She has flawless olive skin, and her long brown hair shines in the sun. She is a stunning example of feminine perfection in form and shape.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, slender and beautiful.  She is active and energetic, and a magnificent dancer.

Facial Features

Big brown eyes, long silky dark brown hair, and a flawless noble face.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sybil is a beautiful woman with a complicated past. She is, in fact, a woman with a price on her head. Her real name is Sybilia Danalli, and she is the youngest daughter of a wealthy merchant noble from the Fangorian capital of Solir. She was the kept mistress of the reigning Prince of Fangort, Rodin III. She fell in love with one of her guards, named Avrios Kryoni, who spirited her away to safety when the Prince found out about their relationship.   She has now adopted the name Sybil (more in keeping with the region she lives in) and poses as her lover's wife.


Well read, capable of reading and writing in several languages.  She is also remarkably well travelled having visited many foreign ports with her merchant father as a child.  She is passingly familiar with places like Len Doa, Grenwich, Malamor, Northridge, Ben Doa and even Lorancourt and Southridge.

Personality Characteristics


Sybil has embraced her new identity and genuinely loves her "husband" Avery.  She risked everything she had to be with him, and would risk even more to keep him safe in their new life together.

Vices & Personality flaws

Sybil is aware of her beauty, and allows a degree of vanity to show in her demeanor quite often.


Family Ties

The Denalli family is one of the wealthiest in Fangort, and would pay a staggering sum to get her back.


A distinct accent, but her elloquence and beauty are usually enough to hide her origins.
Date of Birth
October 19
Current Residence
Light brown
Long silken brown hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Flawless olive complexion
125 lbs
Maranonic Faith
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Caldarian, Arian, Colian and she is quite adept at Elvish and Dwarfish as well.