Avery Wynter

Avery Wynter (a.k.a. Avrios Kryoni)

Avery Wynter, a Human male of 49 years, is the proprietor of The Golden Apple Inn of the Town of Thorn. He runs the inn with his wife, Sybil , and the help of several employees. If one were to talk to Avery, it would become apparent rather quickly that he was not from the area. His accent is distinctly foreign, and he bears many visible scars that appear to be from combat. He is NOT receptive to simply answering questions, however.   He and his wife, Sybil, work hard every day to provide good service, fare and entertainment to their guests, and they are wildly successful at it.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Excellent physical condition, with lightning reflexes and outstanding coordination.

Facial Features

Deep blue eyes, a rugged jawline and curly black hair.  A small but bright scar runs under his right eye, and a small piece of his left ear is missing.

Identifying Characteristics

Many visible scars from swords and knives, several of which are on his face.

Special abilities

A remarkably able cook, he has a flair for perfectly seasoned fowl dishes that amaze his patrons.

Specialized Equipment

Within the inn, Avery has a number of very valuable swords and a set of enameled plate armor that still bear maker marks from Solir craftsmen.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Avery is actually a wanted man. His true name is Avrios Kryoni and he was the chief bodyguard to the mistress of the Prince of Fangort, Rodin III. Avrios was the man responsible for the safety of Sybilia Danalli, a 45-year-old noblewoman from Solir's richest merchant family. Sybilia and Rodin had been having their affair for two years, meeting in not-so-secret places almost daily. As fate would have it, however, Sybilia fell in love with her guard, Avrios, and when Rodin found out he was enraged. Avrios spirited Sybilia away from the Fangorian capital and took her as far away from Solir as he could imagine: Cobal.   They now live in hiding, managing a good life as inn keepers and living as husband and wife. They both try to forget that they are living under the threat of death should Rodin ever find out where they are hiding. Avery's actual family name, Kryoni, means "frozen wind" in Fangorian, so when he chose his new name, he changed Avrios Kryoni to Avery Wynter.


Avery is a master swordsman and fighter.  He speaks multiple languages and is amazingly well read.

Personality Characteristics


To keep his wife Sybil safe and happy.


Religious Views

Follower of Maranosoi and the Song of Life scriptures.

Social Aptitude

Very charming, with just enough "foreign" to delight and intrigue the women of the town.


A distinct foreign accent, and an ability to quote obscure literary works at will.  He speaks several languages fluently.
Date of Birth
April 4
Current Residence
Ocean blue
Curly black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Weathered and tanned
165 lbs
Maranonic Faith
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Caldarian, Arian, Fangorian and is almost fluent in Gnomish.
Ruled Locations