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Pen Ty Kora

Pen Ty Kora is a wizard of great skill in the healing arts earning him the epithet "The Healer". He is known as one of the three "Star Pupils" of the Grand Wizard of Yore along with Gereth Yaztromo and Arakor Nicodemus.  


Pen Ty Kora wears a black cloak, and dons a different mask to express his mood. Much of his body is twisted in odd places, and covered with ugly scars from a lightning strike.  


Pen Ty Kora has been quiet for most of his life. He believes action speaks louder than words. As such, people often think Pen Ty Kora is cold and aloof, but he has the heart to help those in need.    

Early Life

Pen Ty Kora was born in Analand to a father who held a high-ranking clerical position in the city, which when roughly translated means "Chief Overseer of Scriveners to the Overpriest". He showed great promise in the arts of sorcery as a young boy and was sent to study under one of the greatest wizards in Allansia, Vermithrax Moonchaser in the Forest of Yore. Whilst there he was a contemporary of both Gereth Yaztromo and Arakor Nicodemus. So adept were they and so greatly did they amaze their master with their dedication and innate ability that they became known as the "Star Pupils". Pen Ty Kora was particular noted for his performance of seemingly peculiar combinations of spells to great effect.   Pen Ty Kora went on to became an intiate at the Invisible Temple of Glantanka. Whilst there, he studied the Southern Healing Magic which became his speciality. After mastering the art of healing magic he began making his way North once more, acquiring both a reputation and the epithet "The Healer".  

Curing Nicodemus

Whilst adventuring in the Pagan Plains Arakor Nicodemus was exposed to a Death Spell. Knowing that his only chance lay in the skill of his old friend he sped to catch up with Pen Ty Kora on his journey through the Northlands of settled Allansia. Hearing that The Healer was headed for Fang, Nicodemus caught up with him in the market-square of Anvil. The Healer immediately took his friend out of the town and somehow managed to get him to the summit of Firetop Mountain. There he performed a ritual curing his friend of the effects of the Death Spell. However, such is the way of Southern Mask Magic that Pen Ty Kora himself paid a penalty for defeating such a powerful curse. Within one week he was struck down with an agonising lightning strike which disfiguring his body. From that time he became a recluse taking himself to a cave in the Uplands of Allansia.   The Healer will now only see those who need his services and turns away all others including his old friends.
"If you have come to be healed, step before me now".




9th-level spellcaster  


The Healer  


Lawful Good


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