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Arakor Nicodemus is a wizard of immense power who long ago retired to Port Blacksand to lead the life of a recluse.  


Nicodemus wears white wizard robes that has been been long washed and lost its color, and wears a pointed wizard hat. He can always been seen with a smoking pipe.  


Nicodemus is very prideful and arrogant in his youth, and still show signs of it even living alone. This is because he was a very gifted individual and had most things in life handed to him on a silver plate. Like most wizards, Nicodemus is quick to temper and often turn people who upset him into frogs.  

Early Life

Arakor Nicodemus was born of the sole son of a rich merchant from Fang. In his youth, he begin to perform exceptionally well ahead of his peers, and he began to learn his craft under the tutelage of the Grand Wizard of Yore, the Great Archmage Vermithrax Moonchaser in the Forest of Yore. His two contemporaries were Pen Ty Kora and Yaztromo and together they became known as the "Star Pupils". Like his fellow Star Pupils, Nicodemus excelled in his studies and remained respectful of his master whilst avoiding the lure of dark magic.  

The Death Spell

After Yore, Nicodemus sought fame and fortune as an adventurer, using his great magic and swordplay to earn himself many glories and women. One day, in an ancient ruined temple on the Pagan Plains, Nicodemus found a large black chest in a crypt. On opening it, he was confronted by three spectral, robed figures. One cried, "At last, Arakor Nicodemus, we are revenged on you! You will not escape a Death spell!" The effects began immediately and in a weakened state he fled the temple, and hurried off in search of his old friend - and fellow Star Pupil – Pen Ty Kora, the Healer, who had last been heard of in Anvil.   When Nicodemus found his friend, he was almost at death's door. Together they made for the summit of Firetop Mountain, and through the use of Southern Mask Magic, Nicodemus' life was saved. However, Pen Ty Kora, did not escape and through a side effect of dispelling such a powerful enchantment he was disfigured shortly after. Underneath all that proud demeanor, Nicodemus was disheartned and guilty that he caused his good friend's fate, and decided it was time to give up adventuring and retire.  

Recluse under the Singing Bridge

Nicodemus is still widely known and respected in all Allansia, for his power and exploits. Even the worst scum of Port Blacksand knows better than getting on his bad side, and none of them ever dared antagonizing him. Even Lord Azzur and the City Guard leave him alone. While he dislikes being disturbed and does not take kindly to strangers, he is still willing to provide advice and intel to those in dire need. He sometimes intervenes in favour of the oppressed though, for he had a scholar blinded by the torturers of Lord Azzur freed from the tyrant's jails in secrecy.
"Did you not see the keep out sign? Get lost.".




9th-level spellcaster  


Keeper of Fire  


Chaotic Good


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