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Yaztromo is the Grand Wizard of Yore, and a respectable white wizard known for many miles.  


Yaztromo wears rugged wizarding robes and can be seen carrying a whiteoak staff, as his magical weapon of choice. On his nose perches a fragile pair of gold half-rimmed spectacles, and behind holds a piercing gaze from his blue eyes. Yaztromo puts on various apparel for different purposes, say when travelling out, he is shrouded in a grey dusty cloak, and after dusk, he often puts on a sleeping cap. For an old man, he is suprisingly sprightly.  


Yaztromo prefer life in solitude and is very grumpy towards outsiders. Although deep down, he has a soft heart for the good and the courageous, which remind him of his younger days.  

Early Life

Gereth Yaztromo was born in the city of Salamonis and was the son of a priest from that city.   His obvious potential for the magical arts led him to the door of the then Grand Wizard of Yore, Vermithrax Moonchaser in his youth. His contemporaries at that famed school of wizardry in the Forest of Yore were Arakor Nicodemus and Pen Ty Kora and together they became known as the Star Pupils, not only due to their prodigious talent but also due to the fact that all three of them never waivered from the path of humility unlike others introduced to the powerful world of magic.   Like his fellow Star Pupils, Yaztromo began a period of traveling following his time in the school of the Grand Wizard. His wanderings took him across the majority of Allansia, from the treacherous Trolltooth Pass to the wastelands of Kakhabad. These travels opened his eyes to the realities of the troubles that beset his homeland, and his chief fight became against the despair he felt at ever being able to achieve anything significant in the struggle against evil. He went back to Yore and guided young minds on the use of magic. However, a student had turned to the dark arts and murdered almost all of the staff and apprentices at the school, before fleeing. Devastated, Yaztromo lost hope for humanity and spent most of his adult life wandering aimlessly. His sense of purpose was finally restored by his experiences in Darkwood Forest.  

Life at the Tower

Darkwood Forest, a vast remnant of the Great Forest east of Stonebridge , was where Yaztromo chanced upon a Dark Elf raiding party that was assailing a number of Wood Elf huts. Yaztromo was quick to end the assault utilizing his magical skills, slaughtering eight Dark Elves in a single spell. The Wood Elves of Darkwood were jubilant and he remained with them for a while, learning all he could of the forest. Despite its reputation, Darkwood reminded Yaztromo of the Forest of Yore in many ways and it occurred to the wizard that he could be the one to provide guardianship of the forest for the better of its inhabitants.   With the aid of King Gallibran and the Dwarfs of Stonebridge, he built his tall white stone tower on the south side of the forest which is where he now resides.   Yaztromo rarely leaves the tower he loves, seated in his oak armchair, surrounded by his books, manuscripts and other ephemera as well as artefacts, animals (including his horse Stormheart) and birds. His knowledge of the affairs of Allansia is undiminished however for he has eyes and ears in the shape of the fauna of the forest. In particular, his pet crow, Vermithrax, named after his mentor, carries messages to and from the Dwarves and Elves of the region and he has much contact with Nicodemus, his old friend. On rare occasions Yaztromo has ventured away from home on important business - most notably when he accompanied the famous Salamonian knight Chadda Darkmane.   He has grown old now, but Yaztromo is still a valuable stabilising influence on the region and is a significant encroachment on the ever malevolent ambition of evil.
"Haven't I seen you somewhere before?"




9th level spellcaster  


The Grand Wizard of Yore, The White Wizard, Old Whitebeard  


Lawful Good


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