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Benethir Talvarison

Benethir Talvarison is an Eladrin Wizard who resides in the Summerlund town of Seowyn's Crossing. He was a student of the Golden Wyvern school of magic at the Universitas Magesterium before its fall. He was one of the few wizards present when the Universitas was attacked by Gristamere soldiers who survived. Wounded and exhausted, he staggered to Seowyn’s Crossing and collapsed.   As a result, he was present when the Goblinoids attacked. He fought alongside the townsfolk who aided him during the Battle of Seowyn's Crossing, and he was adopted as a hero of the town. The townsfolk helped him build a modest tower on the northwest corner of town, and he has lived there, somewhat reclusively, ever since.   He is one of the last known living wizards who actually studied at the Universitas Magesterium, and a rarity among eladrin…one who is showing his age and has not returned to the Feywild to find peace. He attempted to teach young Tristan Holdfast wizardry, sensing the potential for the young Half-Elf to learn magic, only to discover that the boy’s talents were beyond his comprehension. More recently, he has been teaching young Garren Lockwheel, who has proved more in tune with the wizardly ways. In 1080 SKR, he departed for a sabbatical in the Feywild, taking Garren with him. He ran afoul of basilisks and Hags but was rescued by the Fire Wasps before things got too deadly. He has returned to his tower, adequately chagrined, and continues to teach his young apprentice.


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