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Tristan Holdfast Tarmoore

Tristan Holdfast's origins were troubled. His father, the Elf Tythas Brightbow, forced himself upon Tilomena Holdfast in the Glade of the Guidestar. She was visiting Faerinwold with Tythas and his brother Calthis Brightbow. Although both brothers had courted her, Calthis had won her affections, something which the entity Caiphon used to his advantage, manipulating Tythas into the position he wanted. After realizing what he'd done, Tythas fled, mad with rage and grief.   When Tristan was born Half-Elven, he had violet-colored eyes, a reminder of the circumstances of his conception. A spell by the wizard Benethir Talvarison made them green instead, helping to conceal the situation. Tillie's family, the Holdfasts of Seowyn's Crossing, accepted Calthis as Tristan's father, but Calthis, enraged at his brother, traveled always, seeking his brother to bring him to justice. To make matters more difficult, Tristan displayed odd tendencies, often speaking to people who weren't there, or seeming distracted by whispers no one else could hear.   Although Calthis visited frequently, Tristan grew up raised more by the Holdfasts than either of his fathers. He loved his grandfather Talbot's tales of adventures, and he often hung about the common room of their tavern, the Minstrel's Tarry, listening to news from far lands. He was bullied by Isaak Ketteran, the son of the local miller, but he made friends with other local children, despite his eccentricities. The closest of these were Natharios (then called Eustace), Brom Furrow, Ghost, Kidalis Havengard, and, a bit later, Tilly Thistleshanks. Together, they formed a secret club called the Fire Wasps.   Tristan was apprenticed to Benethir, as he showed some aptitude for magic, but the path of wizardry seemed alien to him. When he was a young adult, he and his friends battled with rogue Goblinoids who attacked in the deep of winter. Brom was killed, and Tristan was nearly so, when the voices in his head clarified and seemed to be offering help. He took the power they offered and found magic flowing from him. He was soon a Warlock, bound to eldritch powers from beyond.   As an adult, he joined the other Fire Wasps in adventuring, including the Shardmind Shaper, and his powers matured. A number of entities tried to lure him to focus his attention on them, including the Sea Tyrant, Asmodeus, and Caiphon. In the end, however, he was most drawn to the General, becoming a celestial warlock. Caiphon, enraged by his rejection, sent a number of agents against him, including Tythas himself. Tristan had several encounters with his father, before finally putting an end to his life in the Feywild as one of those Dame Rigel ap Balorann had gathered to try and destroy the Fire Wasps.   Time went on, and the membership of the Fire Wasps changed. Kidalis was slain, and Ghost left in order to aid her people. The remaining members were joined by Rubicus Chillbrow and Naali Chamond, who brought news that led them to the aid of Prince Harbryn Thonwyr in the liberation of Sudwaine. Even as they were victorious, the group inadvertantly freed Adala Tarmoore, the Witch Queen, and she identified Tristan as being no less than the lost heir of House Tarmoore. It soon came out that Tilomena had been adopted, and that Tristan's bloodline had long been watched over by Arcalos Goldbeard.   Tristan and the rest of the Fire Wasps continued seek the defeat of the Tarrasque while questions of succession around the throne of Summerlund hung in the balance. Tristan was able to gain a spell called the Blade of Disaster from the ruins of Greathome. This spell was intended as a way to destroy the Tarrasque if it ever got out of control. At the Battle of Worldbreaker's Howe  , Tristan wielded this spell to great effect, even while fending off attacks by Kahetu Nal, one more agent of Caiphon. The Tarrasque was sent back to the Sleep of Ages, and now the question of Summerlund's throne had to be addressed.   On Winterbright of 1083 SKR, Tristan Holdfast Tarmoore was crowned King of Summerlund in the Chapel of Castle Caladorn. Dabernus Frostrime spoke the ancient words of ritual, and Natharios placed the crown on his head. He is betrothed to Princess Shairi Thonwyr, and he is investing his friend Harbryn as Prince of Sudwaine.


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