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Flevenshyre is an Arcanoloth from the Astral Domain of Gehenna. He was acting as a scribe for the Arch Duke Dispater in Hell, but he was also a spy for General Luvarex of the Abyss. When the Fire Wasps confronted Luvarex, Flevenshyre was there, having reported their arrival and accepted a bribe to stay and fight. When the battle began to go against the Demon, Flevenshyre attempted to flee, but he was caught by the arrival of Kethalios Blackhorns.   Kethalios trapped him and his magic in a cage of thorns, forcing the Arcanaoloth to speed up time in a petty attempt at revenge against his brother, Natharios. Although Naali freed the Yugoloth, he was terrified of Kethalios, and, rather than risk further acts of treachery from him, she dispatched him. With his dying breath, he told her she had made an eternal enemy. No one knows how long it will take him to reform on Gehenna, but Naali will need to either go there to destroy him permanently or watch her back.


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