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Zarak is an Orc Rogue who specializes in assassination, using his daggers and poisons to deliver deadly strikes. Although he is a full-blooded orc, his height is closer to that of a Dwarf, something that he seethes with resentment over. He is in the employ of Kelek of the League of Malevolence, but he has never felt like their equal. He has a special dislike for Molliver of the group Valor's Call, feeling that a Rogue who uses her skills for the betterment of others is giving the profession a bad name.   He is terrified of Kelek's bodyguard, Warduke, and Kelek's second, Zargash, gives him the creeps. Only Skylla seemed to be relatable to him, and she's seemingly vanished. He was tasked by Kelek to get a Unicorn's horn from Wayward Pool, but the region's protective magic had him stymied, until he observed the Witchlight Court using crude unicorn disguises to approach. He attached a whittled horn of wood to his forehead, and he was able to approach. He attempted to kill the unicorn Lamorna, but she escaped and teleported away, to his dismay. The Court quickly trounced him, and charm magic by Alarias ap Nithodel got him talking, revealing much of the League's make-up. The sent him to seek out Nib's cave, knowing he would steal the gold and take on the cruse of Nib's treasure. He has not resurfaced so far.


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