Emberos Nahazar

Baron Emberos Nahazar

"Papa... am I evil? Why can't I be good like you?"

Zypheria Nahazar

  Emberos Nahazar is a proud and venerated Silver Dragonborn refugee originally from Rokthorland once a political prisoner of the Saadar Clan. He fled with the remnants of his clan and eventually settled in Damarel during middle period of The Salvae Revolution at great personal cost to him in the loss of his clan's clutch, his mate, and his young son and daughter during one of the many political purges. What Kinxas Saadar did to his clan even at his young age was never unexpected, but he regrets following his father's order to flee when he knew that he needed to stay and fight, even if it meant death. There were many nights in which he stared at the rafters overhead only to see them still when the room went dark once more and this went on for many winters.   On the days when his mental cloud thinned he was productive as any other in the city, if not more so, and his work would eventually earn him a place in the court of House Kordev as one of Solomon's personal bannermen and advisors, serving as a Baron of the East Riverlands and the Draconic Envoy of Damarel. Then one day in High Sun of 978 ATS he unexpectedly asked for leave. There were no questions asked by Kordev and with his blessing the Dragonborn started marching westward towards the Shadowlands.   Emberos would return to Damarel early in Leaf Fall with an egg, black and shining like a perfectly cut onyx, but many noted upon his return that there seemed a heavier cloud following him than usual, at least until the twenty-seventh day of Leaf Fall of the same year, when a little female, Black Dragonborn would hatch from the egg. It was then many of the Nahazar Clan finally saw the clouds break from Emberos's mind and he began to return to his old self.

Mental characteristics

Failures & Embarrassments

Mental Trauma

Emberos suffered and suffers from flashes of shell-shock after seeing his family and clan be slaughtered as he fought through and fled Rokthrol. Those memories and experiences seem to have ebbed significantly since the hatching of his daughter, Zypheria.


Religious Views

Emberos is a follower of Bahamut.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Draconic Envoy of Damarel
Date of Birth
17th Day of Alturiak, 950 ATS
Year of Birth
950 ATS 50 Years old
Dusty Gold
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Silver Dragon Scale
Known Languages
Common, Draconic

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