Zypheria Nahazar

Zypheria Nahazar- Saadar

Zypheria is a female Black Dragonborn of the Nahazar Clan and formerly of the Saadar Clan; although she has no formal ties to her former clan as she was stolen away from her clutch when she was still an egg by Emberos Nahazar when he returned from Rokthorl some two decades ago and brought her back to the East Riverlands. Emberos raised her as his daughter and she was adopted into the small clan of refugee Dragonborn that serve House Kordev. She is leaner and on the smaller end for Dragonborn, but is a strong and ferocious fighter nonetheless.   Zypheria plays a dangerous role in the political shadow-games between Kinxas Saadar and Solomon Kordev on behalf of her adoptive clan, in that she is the only one that can readily enter Rokthrol and not arouse immediate suspicion or hostility. She is a talented spy for the Kordevs and is gifted in many ways from combative prowess and subterfuge all thanks to her dexterous, physical, and arcane, hands.   Zypheria's job is to collect intel on her former clan, it brings her great joy and pride to do so for her father, but a small part of her knows the true reason why her father stole her away and raised her as his own; she keeps that knowledge to herself even from him.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Zypheria is clad in light, studded leathers and often covers herself with dark coveralls to hide her armaments: a shortsword on her right hip, a pair of daggers, one on her left leg and the other at her lower back, a hand crossbow on her left side, and a small buckler shield.   She often carries a small, messenger bag with her subterfuge kit containing her tools in disguise and her documentation and more feminine dress attire if her mission is less about combat and more about political access. She has a few hidden drop-spots in Rokthorl that have additional tools and clothes if she needs to make another alias on the fly.


Religious Views

Zypheria is a fevered worshiper of Bahamut, but because she spends a great deal of time in Rokthorl and the Shadowlands, she rarely carries any Bahamutan holy items on her person when she ventures far from Damarel. She instead carries a symbol of Tiamat to complete her second persona, though she'll be the first to admit she does not enjoy carrying water for the Dragon Queen even though she is a Chromatic Dragonborn herself.
Date of Birth
27th Day of Leaf Fall, 978 ATS
Year of Birth
978 ATS 22 Years old
Parents (Adopting)
Dark Rose Pink
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black Dragon Scale
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Thieves' Cant